Parker Services Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Replacement’

Why Replace Your AC Now?

Monday, May 6th, 2024

As summer approaches and temperatures begin to rise, the reliance on air conditioning becomes more apparent. For many, this season is the tipping point to decide whether their current AC system can handle another hot summer or if it’s time for an upgrade. Replacing your air conditioner might seem like a big decision, but it’s often a necessary step towards achieving comfort and efficiency in your home. At Parker Services Inc, we can assist with your AC replacement in Tallahassee, FL. 

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When Is an AC Repair Too Expensive?

Monday, April 10th, 2023

This might sound like an odd question coming from your local HVAC professional, but it makes a whole lot of sense. After all, we don’t want to fix your air conditioner just for it to last an extra year or two while breaking the bank at the same time. If one of the options on the table is to have the system replaced entirely, wouldn’t that be a good idea?

There’s a threshold for how expensive an AC repair should be. If it crosses this threshold, we would consider it “too expensive” and the most cost-effective solution would likely be to get it replaced. Understanding where this threshold is for you and your family is the most important part of this post and the reason why we’re writing about it.

So, buckle up! Let’s talk about how much is too much for an AC repair, and when you might be better off with AC replacement in Tallahassee, FL. Don’t forget to call us with any additional questions you might have.

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Before You Schedule That Maintenance Session, Should You Consider AC Replacement Instead?

Monday, July 4th, 2022

Now is the time of year that you should really be considering scheduling maintenance for your air conditioner, if you haven’t already. Professional maintenance allows your system to work as efficiently and effectively as possible, for as long as possible! It reduces repair needs by as much as 85% and maintains your AC efficiency rating by as much as 95%.

An air conditioner that’s well-maintained will also last longer–10-15 years versus lasting only half that time otherwise.

But once your air conditioner does reach that older age, the question that comes up is, “Should I keep maintaining it, or is it time to replace it?” The truth is, if your air conditioner is a decade old or older, now is likely a great time to replace it, particularly with today’s economic and supply chain realities, which we’ll elaborate on below. Read on!

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