Parker Services Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Tallahassee’

When a Furnace Fix Is a Big Deal

Monday, February 12th, 2024

The term “big deal” means different things to different people. Some people think that a miscalibrated thermostat is a big deal that warrants addressing immediately. While others might think that a furnace problem isn’t much of a big deal at all, especially as we near the end of winter.

However, there are some things that are universal big deals that we’d like customers to know more about–like gas leaks or issues with your blower fan. Separating furnace repairs in Tallahassee, FL into two categories (big deals and small issues) could be an excellent way to figure out whether you need an emergency response now, or if you can wait until the temperatures warm up to get your system fixed.

Just make sure you work with our team of licensed and insured professionals to diagnose your problems, regardless of whether they’re big or small deals.

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Trust a Pro for EV Charger Repair

Monday, January 15th, 2024

EV chargers are becoming a must-buy in many homes throughout the Tallahassee area. If you’re the owner of an electric car, depending on how much you use it, this might be an investment that’s worth every penny.

EVs can go some incredible distances these days, but they all require kilowatts of energy that our homes aren’t technically used to supplying. It’s not as simple as plugging the car in and charging it up, as many EV owners will know.

However, if you were thinking about trying to install an EV charger, or provide EV charger repairs in Tallahassee, FL yourself, then you should reconsider. For some reasons we’ll be mentioning in this blog post, EV chargers are heavy-duty outlets that can be easily damaged by an unlicensed amateur.

Large Charges for a Large Vehicle

First of all, EV chargers are not your average outlet. Vehicles require sometimes up to 100kw of energy to drive, which is a ton of power that needs to come from somewhere. In comparison, your clothes dryer which usually requires a 240-volt outlet, uses 5kw of power to complete a cycle, which is still high compared to things like your television or computer.

In truth, vehicles require a lot of electricity, which is why these chargers are so important. It’s hard to rely on an EV if you don’t have this kind of charger in your house. You might find yourself relying on more expensive fast chargers around town or with a trickle charge from a regular outlet, and that’s no fun.

Make sure that you’re weighing the need for your EV with your home improvement needs. Do you rely on this car regularly to get you through town? Then it seems clear that your EV charger needs to be in good shape and fast enough to give you the power you need.

Issues With Amateur Repairs

Does your home have the power capabilities to charge an electric car? Well, it depends.

An EV charger comes in three different sizes, level one, level two, and level three. What we’re talking about today are level two chargers, which are basically more powerful than a standard 140v outlet in your home, but less powerful than a DC fast charger that you might be used to on the side of a highway or at a dealership.

Level two chargers can siphon a lot of electricity away from your home which can lead to tripped circuits, blown breakers, and other issues that you might need to deal with if you get this system installed or repaired by an amateur.

Our team can ensure that whatever work we do is backed by an electrical grid in your home that can handle the load, no matter what.

Quick and Affordable

When we say that our EV charger repairs are quick, we really mean it. These electrical systems are comparable to dryer outlets and other outlets that require 240 volts of electricity. The complexity comes from figuring out whether your home can handle the additional load, or if the problem is sourced from your electrical panel.

Contact Parker Services Inc, where comfort’s just a call away!

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“Is My Generator Safe?”

Monday, January 1st, 2024

This is a very good question and one that you should probably get answered now. No, we’re not saying “now” as in next week or in a few months. An unsafe generator is a dangerous thing to be using, and it could mean the loss of valuable possessions like your heirlooms, furniture, and even worse.

Generators turn fuel into electricity and they’re extremely helpful during the storms that hit our area. Generators in Tallahassee, FL can be an effective way to continue one with your life, even when power fluctuations hit and disorient your community. This is why you’ll want to ensure that you have one, and that it also functions safely.

Not only can our team set you up with a generator that perfectly fits your property, but we can help you ensure that it’s safe.

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Staying Warm When Heat Is Scarce

Monday, December 18th, 2023

People don’t often associate areas like Tallahassee, FL with being cold. In fact, it’s pretty obvious why people associate warmth and beach weather with the “sunshine state.” We’re happy with being the best location for retirement and some truly excellent theme parks, but people should still be wary of getting chilly during the winter.

All it takes is one chilly night during the winter months to call your comfort into question. That old furnace might not be as reliable as it once was, now that it’s almost 20 years old. It’s even been a few years since you turned it on, so maybe it’s more of a health hazard than a heating appliance at this point.

Well, we’d first argue that customers should have a plan in place and call Parker Services Inc for HVAC installations in Tallahassee, FL. But for those who either can’t afford that kind of work right now or need some time to save up, here are some tips to stay warm when heat is hard to find.

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Winter Maintenance: Is It Worth It?

Monday, December 4th, 2023

Heating maintenance in Tallahassee, FL can be a tough sell. For starters, most people in this area just don’t rely on their heating systems nearly as much as people even slightly north of us. And, to make matters even more complicated, people rely on all sorts of different heating systems. This can make having a “one size fits all” solution or bit of advice a little tricky.

The good news is that every single heating system requires maintenance at least once a year, and some require it twice. So if you were on the fence about investing in maintenance, this blog post will hopefully give you the tools you need to finally pull the trigger and invest.

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Why It’s Time to Upgrade Your Home’s Lighting

Monday, November 20th, 2023

Lights are everywhere. They’re part of modern living and they’re also a part of what makes the holiday season so special. From outdoor lights to the track lighting that keeps your kitchen sparkling, we all depend on it in one way or another.

However, lighting has changed a lot in the past twenty years. Those old bulbs and track lighting system that was installed years ago is likely using more electricity than you’d like and will start becoming a hassle due to outdated components and broken fixtures. Before this starts becoming a headache, we think it’s time to talk about home lighting upgrades.

This is just one of many aspects of electrical installation in Tallahassee, FL that we can help you with. Once you’ve got a good idea of what’s bothering you, our team can quickly and effectively address it.

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Parker’s Guide: Choosing the Right Heater

Monday, November 6th, 2023

Heating systems come in all shapes and sizes, which can sometimes make a new customer’s head spin. From heat pumps to gas furnaces, you’ll hear everyone boast about their favorite system or the one that is the most efficient, but they’re all so different.

This blog isn’t about convincing anyone that one heater is better than the rest. That’s simply not true. Each heating system is suited for a specific lifestyle and budget, and it’s important that new customers get a heater that they’re happy with, not that they’re convinced to buy. We want to honor this process and let you choose the heating installation in Tallahassee, FL that’s right for you. We’ll just guide you along the way!

So, let us introduce you to our 2023 breakdown of heating systems. We’ll mention each system we install and some of their unique advantages, and leave the ultimate decision up to you.

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Common Radiant Heating Issues

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

Radiant heaters heat your home differently than a forced-air heating unit might. The calculations are different because depending on the method of heating (electric baseboard or water), it’s not concerned with heating the air in your home as much as it is the space itself.

This means that problems like cold spots, leaks, and electrical failures can have unique causes and concerns with radiant heating units. Let’s go into detail on each type of radiant heating problem and how it can specifically be detected, but remember that this is no replacement for professional radiant heat repair in Tallahassee, FL.

In fact, you can mitigate most of the headaches you’d normally get when detecting this kind of issue by calling for help as quickly as possible. Our team will give you an accurate estimate and diagnose the problem easily.

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No Heat? Here’s What to Do

Monday, October 9th, 2023

Picture this: you arrive home after a busy day of work, and it’s finally starting to feel like fall. For many customers, it’s getting a lot easier to sleep now that the temperatures are getting chillier at night. However, you go home to check on how your furnace is doing, and it doesn’t turn on. Oh no!

When your furnace doesn’t work, it’s only a matter of time before your home becomes freezing. But don’t worry, we’ll give you some immediate assistance so you don’t have to encounter chilly weather for very long.

First, make sure you call our team to at least get a furnace repair in Tallahassee, FL on the books for a future appointment. This will ensure that your home gets heated eventually. Then, follow our lead on what to do while you wait for service.

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Heating Maintenance Expectations in Tallahassee

Monday, September 25th, 2023

Many homeowners don’t think they need heating maintenance in Tallahassee, or they’ll at least look at you like you’re strange when you consider it. This makes sense because we live in Florida and we don’t deal with the temperature drops that many of our northern neighbors and family members do, but that’s still not the whole story.

We’d argue that heating maintenance in Tallahassee, FL is actually perfect for those of us who live closer to the tropics, and we’ll prove it. It’s true that we might not use our heating systems as much as someone who lives in Montana or New York, but we’re also less likely to upgrade our heating systems due to this limited usage. This means that you’ll want your heater working for longer, which is what maintenance is all about!

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